The WFWA 10th Anniversary Writers Conference Was Magical.

350+ Women's Fiction writers in one space generate a dazzling amount of creative energy. (Image by Susan Foster) I just returned to Montana from the WFWA 10th Anniversary Conference in Chicago . I'm still in awe of all that I learned and all of the wonderful women that I met. WFWA At the beginning of January 2022, I joined the Women's Fiction Writer's Association (WFWA). It was unquestionably the best thing I have done for myself as a writer. "WFWA is a diverse international community of aspiring, debut, and multi-published authors." WHAT IS WOMEN'S FICTION? To answer this question, I'll share parts of the definition provided on the WFWA website: Women's Fiction stories are " layered stories in which the plot is driven by the main character’s emotional journey." They may have elements of romance, mystery, thriller, or other subgenres; and can be contemporary or historical; commercial, upmarket, or literary fiction but "... ...